Today is a fast paced high energy day. You may feel
overwhelmed as your plans and dreams start to manifest, which has been long
awaited. Focus on your root chakra and
be sure to keep yourself grounded. Let your Angels help you let go of any low
level toxic energy you may have been holding on too. African Violets will help
with clearing away the negative energies in yourself and your surroundings. Enjoy
this boost of energy today as things move in a more positive direction. Take
advantage of it and get things done!
Angel Tarot Cards – Eight of Fire
Hold on tight, because things now move into high gear! Past
delays are over, and your plans manifest with swiftness and energy. You may
feel caught off guard as frenzied activities take over. It’s exhilarating and a
little overwhelming, but it feels good to see your dreams coming true. Suddenly, you a lot of things going on. Too
many balls in the air? Stay grounded. Your messages are received positively
right now. Embrace the spotlight.
Angel Therapy Oracle – Clear Yourself
Ask the angels to release any toxic energies that you may
have absorbed.
Flower Therapy Oracle – African Violet
African Violets are wonderful for healers and psychics
because they are excellent cleansers of old, heavy energies. They’re great at
cleaning spaces such as homes and offices, as well as your own physical body.
Place them on your bedside table to gently remove negativity while you sleep.
You can also clear away old energy by placing one or more Violets in a room and
“Healing flower, please transform all lower energies within this
space/body. Return them to their rightful state of love and light. Thank you
for this healing”
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