January 8, 2016

Daily Reading - Choosing Your Paths

Choosing the right path has been difficult lately. You may be feeling drained of your energy trying to decide which direction is best. One path will lead to the greater good for you and all involved. The other path brings you closer to your divine purpose. Meditate and bring forth the ancient wisdom from within to help guide you. You have the power, strength and stamina needed. Your heart knows the direction as it seeks peace, purpose and light for all involved. Use Amber to shield and protect yourself from the negative energies during this process. Life is not a race don’t push yourself and drain your energy, this decision does not have to be made today. Be at peace and choose with grace.

Touched by a Horse – Seeking Direction

Of late you have been in a place of indecision about which path or direction to take. This question is not as difficult as you perceive it to be. Ask yourself which direction will create the most peace in your life. One path will lead you toward your own good and the good of others, and will serve the greater good. One direction takes you a step closer to your divine purpose. Your heart knows the direction as it seeks peace: peace, purpose, and light for all who are involved. Choose carefully, as this may not be expressed as the easier path or as the one with the quickest resolution to your current turmoil. Seek with a higher mind. The key here is the greater good overall. The decision does not have to be made today. 
Be at peace and choose with grace.

Angel Gemstone Oracle – Amber

Are you allowing someone or something to drain your energy? Establish boundaries. Surround yourself in a protective shield to deflect negative energy. Tap into the ancient wisdom within to transform your life.

Rune- Fehu (upright)

Power, strength, stamina, reassertion of our intentions, prosperity, generosity.

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