January 27, 2016

Daily Reading - Defeating Fear

Fear may be draining your energy and preventing you from moving on to the next step of your journey. Surround yourself in a positive shield to create boundaries and deflect negative energy. Let Amber help you tap into ancient wisdom and draw upon your willpower to transform you to an able warrior charging into the truth, knowing that you will find the light in the darkness and be victorious.  Use your tools of strength, courage and bravery to support yourself and others in the situation. Remember, fear is the opposing force to all love. You are calm, decorated and ready to face the unknown. Create through love. Your guides will keep you safe and direct you as you pass through this time of fear, to trust and love.
 Things will unfold as they are meant too.
 Touched by a Horse – Face the Fear
Fear may be keeping you from moving on to the next step of your destiny. Allowing a barrier of fear to create self-doubt may be holding you back. You are being asked to draw upon your warrior energy. Fear is the oppositional force to all love. The task at hand is to become an able warrior charging into the truth, knowing that you will prevail. Bravery, courage and strength are your tools as you are supported and support others in this situation. It will all unfold as it is meant to. You are calm, decorated and ready to face the unknown. You are creating through love. Your guides will direct you and keep you safe. 
All good will ultimately come from this time period, as you pass through fear to trust and love.
Angel Gemstone Oracle – Amber
Are you allowing someone or something to drain your energy? Establish boundaries. Surround yourself in a positive shield to deflect negative energy. 
Tap into the ancient wisdom and within to transform your life.
Runes – Kenaz (upright) -
Light in the darkness, impulse, will, passion, ignition, willpower, desire, love, creative, fire, renewal.
 Interesting Tidbit
On this day - 
Lewis Carroll, author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and it's sequal Through the Looking Glass, was born in 1832.
One afternoon Carroll was boating with a few children. Spinning the tale of a bored little girl who sought a very big adventure, the real Alice requested he write it down for her. Obliging her this became the manuscript for his great novel.
- 365 Tarot Spreads by Sasha Graham

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