January 13, 2016

Daily Reading - Feeling Blocked

The feelings of being blocked or out of sorts today forces us to look at our “underbelly” the negative side. Nothing is all good or all bad. We all share both dimensions; the contrast is in all of us. Be brave today and take a look at the darker side of yourself. Acknowledge it so it doesn’t continue to wreak havoc in your life. Appreciate the secrets it holds. You may have been using it as a form of survival. By taking a look at this side of yourself, you have the ability to release it’s negatives so it can heal.  Carry Aquamarine and visit the beach or a lake, this will help you clear away the negative energies you may be holding on to. Remember that the negative brings balance so remain aware that it’s part of you and use it for the greater good.

  Touched by a Horse – The Underbelly 
The lightness and the darkness of every soul and every situation is apparent to you now. Nothing is all good or all bad. No one is without a share of both dimensions; the contrast is in everyone. Only the depth that you deny your dark side’s existence does it wreak havoc in your life. Bravely peer into your dark side. Recognize your unfinished part and claim that part of yourself. Be appreciative of the secrets it holds. It may have served you thus far as a means of survival. By examining and owning that underbelly part of yourself, you create the release necessary for its healing. Treasure this part of yourself – the dark part of your soul – as your own unique branding. Trust that it has served a purpose and remain aware of its presence so that you may only serve the greater good.

 Angel Gemstone Oracle – Aquamarine
Are your emotions in turmoil? Are you feeling uneasy? Spend time at the water’s edge to regain emotional balance. Clear away any negative energy you may have accumulated from unsettling conversations or negative internal dialogue.

Rune – Laguzs (reversed)
Emotional blockage, delay, excessive daydreaming, flight from reality, undirected thought, passivity, 
blockage of life forces, poisoning.


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