January 16, 2016

Daily Reading - Intimacy Through Self-Discovery

Intimacy is at hand.  Self-discovery is being called upon from deep within you as you move into a situation of vulnerability. Carry Apophyllite to get a better understanding of this situation. Now is the time to sit in silence or meditate. Think before you speak as the words and movements can have a strong impact on the other person involved.  Breathe and let the words, thoughts, touch and spirit be the truth. Be brave don’t hold on to fear. In doing so could prevent true intimacy. Set aside fear, not discernment. Honor your courage, patients, inner guidance and silence as intimacy is experienced. Even within oneself, intimacy is the supreme closeness achieved through love and letting go of fear. This is a well-earned victory for you. 
Enjoy this journey of self-realization and intimacy.

 Touched by a Horse – Intimacy 
Intimacy is at hand. A fuller discovery of self is being summoned from deep within you as you move into a situation of vulnerability. Choose your words and movements carefully, as they will have great impact on the other person involved. Share from your deepest truth. Breathe and allow the flow of words, thoughts, touch and spirit to be the truth. Spirit tells you that this is not the time or place for holding back. Holding on to an attitude of fear will prevent true intimacy. But set aside fear, not discernment. Honor your courage, patients, inner guidance and silence as intimacy is experienced. Even within oneself, intimacy is the supreme closeness achieved through love and with the letting-go of fear.


Angel Gemstone Oracle – Apophyllite 
Do you wish to gain better understanding of a situation? It’s time to meditate! Sit in silence. Open your consciousness. Listen for your soul’s truth and embrace it without judgement. Mental clarity and self-acceptance are gifts of regular meditation practice.
Rune – Tiwaz (upright) 
A well-earned victory, targeted strategy, strength, trust, loyalty, pressure for self-realization, male sexuality, reliability.

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