January 3, 2016

Daily Reading - January 3rd, 2016 - Harmony

 Today's reading - January 3rd, 2016 - Harmony

 Touch by a Horse – Harmony

Vibrations of love and acceptance are emanating from you and around you at this time. You are seeking peace and simplicity at this juncture and offer the same to everyone about you. Notice all the beauty around you. Open your heart, sharing affirmations, affection, and love with those you care about. Your innate ability to seek harmony and to create it where it is lacking makes you a magnet to others. Gentleness, peace love and beauty are your tools as you are living your true purpose. At this time, seek to sustain tranquility, simplicity and harmony in your journey.

Angel Gemstone – Blue Lace Agate

Do you feel like you keep missing opportunities? Do you wish to recognize opportunities when they knock? Have faith that Divine Timing is at play in your life. Believe that you area always in the right place at the right time with the right people.

Rune – Dagaz (reversed)

Disoriented, blocked, hardening, betrayal, feeling of loss.


Today is a day of love and acceptance. Finding harmony with yourself and those around you. Carry Blue Lace Agate to help you achieve the harmony you seek today. Remember Divine Timing is a play in your life. You have the ability to create harmony where it is lacking, and the ability to release blockages, and feelings of betrayal and loss. The blue lace agate will assist you in this process. This is the time of finding balance and living your true purpose through gentleness, peace, and love. Focus on simplicity and tranquility on your journey. Open your heart, sharing affirmations, affection and love with those you care about.

Interesting tidbit -

On this day the feast of Saint Genevieve, patron saint of Paris, is celebrated. Genevieve reported frequent visions of heavenly saints and angels from a young age. Graced with clairvoyance and miracle working, it is said her prayers and fasting saved Paris from a harrowing attack from Attila the Hun in

451 CE. (Common Era).  Legend also states when her relics (pieces of her body kept as objects of reverence) were carried through the streets during the Parisian plague in 1129, she miraculously intervened to stop the spread of the plague as the death toll plummeted.

-          - 365 Tarot  Spreads by Sasha Graham

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