February 9, 2016

Daily Reading – Allow help from others so you can relax and heal

Today’s a day of taking time to rest and heal from working too hard. Take a step back and let others help you and relieve some of the unnecessary burdens from your schedule and find a successful outcome for your situation or project. Whether it’s a picture on an actual plant; have some Agapantus flower around you to help you heal, balance and clear your energy. Find a place to relax in peace and quiet. Listen for the messages coming to you, they may come in the form of music and words. Let them come to you from both external sources and within your mind. These are the answers you have been praying for.
Slow down, enjoy this transition of allowing others to assist you and taking time for yourself.


Angel Tarot Cards – Ten of Fire 
You’re working too hard and have put in too many hours. There’s a need to balance the professional and personal sides of your life. You’re trying to do too much. A first step is to be willing to accept assistance from others.There’s hope for a successful resolution to your situation or project. However, it’s best if you cut unnecessary or burdensome activities from your schedule. Slow our pace to a more comfortable level.
Angel Healing Oracle – Ear Chakra 
Notice messages that appear as sounds, music and words, from both external sources and within your mind. These messages are real answers to your prayers.

 Flower Therapy Oracle – Agapanthus
Agapanthus flowers look like a large ball. They come in either purple or white; both colors bring the same healing energy. The vibrations of the Agapanthus is that of global healing, which is hinted at the globe-like shape of the flower head. This flower is excellent at healing and regulating the energy of the earth, especially as we go through transition phases. It helps heal situations in their entirety; just think of the whole, or “global,” extent of the affair.
You can work with this flower to clear the energy of deeply ingrained issues.  For example, it can help release old belief patterns or clear the energy of addictions. These kinds of issues can be spread through many areas of your life, so it’s important to make sure you clear out every last remnant. You can use the long-stemmed flowers as giant wants for granting wishes – just imagine yourself as the good witch from The Wizard of Oz.

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