March 21, 2016

Daily Reading - Collaboration Brings a Better Outcome

Start your day in a deep meditative state where you find the silence where dreams are born and healing occur.  Become one with Mother Earth, listen to her heartbeat and feel the connection of oneness with her. In this quiet place ask for the guidance you need and be sure to thank spirit for answers you receive. As you move forward through your day embrace the harmony and peace within and share it with others. As you gather with other liked minded ones and merge your energies, be sure you walk your talk, speak the truth. Allow rules and laws to bend in order to create peace and balance and watch the power of collaboration unfold. Working in a group brings stronger wisdom and helps a more creative outcome.

 The Winged Enchantment – Dove
I am Dove, the peace of alignment. I am feminine. I am sensitive to my surroundings. I am the nourishment of the earth and the gentleness of her instinct. I am the calm after the storm. I am hope and harvest. I am the embellishment of harmony and the sacrifice necessary to nurture what has been created. You are at peace now, and brimming with compassion.  You are in love with life. I am the enjoyment of family connection. I am the safety of a united community. This is not the time to fly solo but rather to seek out kindred spirits. I am the gathering of like minds. I am the coven. I am the serenity of kin. I am group mind and structure. Merge your energies with others and watch what unfolds. There is great power in collaboration. There is profound wisdom within the whole.

Medicine Cards – Crow
As you learn to allow your personal integrity to be your guide, your sense of feeling alone will vanish. Your personal will can emerge so that you will stand in your truth. The prime path of true Crow people says to be mindful of your opinions and actions. Be willing to walk your talk, speak your truth, and know your life’s mission, and balance past, present and future in the now. Shape shift that old reality and become your future self. Allow the bending of physical laws to aid in creating the shape shifted world of peace.

Spirit of the Wheel – West (Mudjekeewis)
The chaos of your outer world has left you feeling malnourished. The West card signifies a time for retreat – a journey within, to rest your body, mind, and spirit. Enter the silence, where dreams are born, for healing to occur at the deepest level. Listen to the heartbeat of our Great Mother and feel the pulse of oneness that is the blood of her very existence. Find that quiet place within, where you may view your dreams, and nourish them before bringing them out into the light.
Pray for the guidance you need and be sure to thank the spirit for the answers you receive. Within the meditative state of the West we are able to connect with the dream source and replenish our own creativity.

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