April 1, 2016

Daily Reading - Facing Your Fears

Today we come out of the shadow of our fears and face them. When we understand the reason why we are afraid, the fear then becomes weak and no longer has control over us. Today we start the changing process and show our strengths by facing those fears and conquering them. Try meditating on what it is that you fear and why you fear it. Use your connection to your higher self to find your secure place and strength to face it head on.  This is a cleansing process, one that will help you move forward and see the light at the end of your tunnel.

Oracle of Vision – Temptation – Resisting – Willpower
What is it about that ingredient called “forbidden” that whets our appetite? From the innocent indulgence of one more piece of chocolate to more significant forbidden fruits of social behavior, we are often tempted. We indulge, even at a risk to our health, our relationship with others, and our general well-being. Our ability to see through the illusion, to weigh the consequences and resist the temptation is a measure of our personal willpower, character and strength. To succumb or resist will be a choice that defines us.
A horned jester pulls apart the curtains revealing an apple and a serpent, symbols from temptation and original sin. A Salome-styled performance manifests as a vision from a flaming cauldron.
As we come to understand our weaknesses and the reasons for them they lose their power to control us. The devil becomes simply a man in a silly hat.

The Psychic Tarot – Shadow
This card represents emotions, sensitivity, and a reminder that nothing in life is at a standstill – this is a world of constant flux, and on the thing is certain: Everything changes. This card is calling you to action; the time is now when you may have to face your worst fears and look into the dark shadows of your soul. You must learn to confront what you’ve avoided and walk courageously through it. Always know that life naturally revitalizes itself and as it does, so do you.
The Shadow Card promises that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Recognize that by no longer denying your past and letting the tears fall, you’ll discover the diamonds in the treasure chest of your soul. This is a cleansing process to wash away and clear out what was once avoided, ignored, or pushed aside.
This card indicates that this is a time when your psychic sensitivity may be quite intense. Learn to open up to it or if need be . . . to turn it down. Your body is one big psychic antenna, so just remember that you’re in control of how high or low you want the reception to be. Mother Earth can assist you in this period of change, sensitivity, and healing.

Conscious Spirit Oracle – Meditation
This card is asking you to make time on a daily basis for quiet meditation. The practice of meditation will help you find inner stillness within your mind and help you de-stress. Meditation also allows messages and knowledge from your Higher Self and Guides to flow through you. There are many forms of meditation – find one that suits you. Try meditating out in nature, allowing yourself to be held and supported by the Earth. Whichever form of meditation you choose, begin slowly and be patient with yourself.  Our modern minds are filled with chatter that is difficult to let go of. But persevere and you will be rewarded. Once you have found a meditation to suit yourself you will be able to go into this relaxed state easily. Guided meditations are a wonderful way to begin meditating and allow you to drop into a relaxed state without worrying whether you are doing it right or wrong. Even if you do not use meditation as a form of connecting to spirit guides, it will greatly assist you in relaxing and calming your body and mind.   

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