April 19, 2016

We are back up and running!

We are pleased to announce the relaunch of our Services website!!
Please stop by and take a look.
Our online shop is still a work in progress, so stay tuned for the announcement of our grand online opening!
Thank you
Lori & Bob

April 15, 2016

Daily Reading - Stay True to Yourself

We must follow our own path, not allowing family, friends or society to influence our direction. During the journey we may have to climb over negative hurdles. At times it may feel as though you are having to portray to be someone you are not to get through the negatives. Don’t lose yourself in this acting role. Once the hurdle is behind you be sure to continue as your true self.  Accepting the negatives teaches us to appreciate the positives more. This will allow to transform into a stronger, and wiser individual and help us to move forward in fulfilling our dreams and wishes. 

Oracle of Vision – Manipulation – Control – Role Playing – Wishful Thinking
Life is a cabaret, a theater, a performance. We are acting out our roles as villains and heroes. Like marionettes we are both manipulated and manipulating, writing and following the script. We share the stage with others for some acts and perform solo in others. In this parody, we can create artificial scenarios or planned outcomes. We can transform into something or someone that we are not. There may be a creative benefit in that we are encouraged to fulfill our dreams and wishes. The danger is in losing oneself in the role, and losing touch with the reality beyond the stage doors.

The Psychic Tarot Oracle – Disruption
A sudden, unusually unforeseen, disruption, or major change is happening or is about to take place. Even if it appears to be a negative experience, it can lead to enlightenment or a total shift in your lifestyle. In traditional tarot meanings, this card represents the “falling tower” that eventually crumbles due to its weak foundation. Whichever part of your life you focus on, this is an opportunity to rebuild with a solid, positive structure to make you or the situation stronger.
There are times when the most difficult situations arise in your life. If you choose to, they can act as a catalyst to heal other areas. They’re beneficial because they’re truly your greatest teachers. Learn from past mistakes, accept them, and integrate them into your life as stepping –stones
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. This Disruption Card is a reminder that negative thinking, limiting beliefs, ignoring problematic situations, and risky or careless lifestyles must be addressed so that positive changes can take place. Life has a habit of moving you forward whether you’re ready or not. Transformation of body, mind, and soul can happen if you view this dramatic time or change as an opportunity for growth. In the future, you may look back and be thankful for this opportunity.

Conscious Spirit Oracle – Your Own Path
You are a unique spirit and have special gifts to offer the world. But you must follow your own path. Do not allow family, friends, or society to choose it for you. Your path will have obstacles that may seem insurmountable. The way may seem unclear at times: or it may open brightly and allow you to see far in front of you. Never allow yourself to be deterred. Each part, whether difficult or easy, has specific lessons for you. At times it may require a leap of faith to take the next step. Move along your path with courage and strength, holding the light of your heart out to guide your way. If you stay true to your heart, your soul purpose, you will receive guidance and support from the universe and your path will become even more illuminated. By holding steadfast and true to your path you will help encourage those around you to follow their own unique paths too.

April 13, 2016

Daily Reading - Support One and Other

Today we focus on helping one and other. As we move forward in our journey today not only are we a student, learning from others, but we are also the teacher. Helping each other to grow and move forward brings the balance this planets needs to thrive. Remember when you are helping, do it out of kindness, don’t expect to be rewarded for good deeds done. Though there are times when we can be acknowledged and take credit for our genuine kindness, and when rewards do come, appreciate them.
Helping others in itself can be a reward, but don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of.  Remember we are all students and teachers living on the same planet. Share your wisdom and strength with one another, and help keep a healthy balance for our Mother Earth!

 Oracle of Vision – Support – Bearing the Weight of Others
This card represents the offering of strength and assistance, and bearing a burden on behalf of others. Providing support can take many forms: moral, emotional, physical and financial. We can offer our shoulders to bear the weight or lend an ear to share grief.
Here, a jester offers his shoulders on which the girl can perform. He raises her up, allowing her to be the focus of the audience’s attention, his subdued posture deliberately taking second place. His identity hidden, he provides an anonymous contribution. In the background are there tarot Strength cards, which serves as props and reaffirm this card’s message.
 While the effort and gesture is a noble one, there are times where we should come out of the shadows and take credit for our contributions. You do not always have to settle for being second fiddle. Be careful not to allow others to take advantage of your generosity.

The Psychic Tarot Oracle – Wisdom
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This card illustrates that there’s a spiritual teacher who’s about to influence you or step into your life to impart his or her wisdom. Look around – is there someone in your life who has the acumen, education, knowledge, and ability to integrate spirituality and its laws into the constraints of the physical world? This could be a compassionate person who offers guidance and inspiration, and reminds you that you’re so much more than a physical being – you’re also a spiritual being with unlimited potential.
You may have also drawn this card to confirm that it’s time to reach out and find an organization or group of like-minded souls. Being part of a group where you can be yourself, share your thoughts, and get valuable feedback can infuse you and encourage you to be all that you can be. Kindred support helps you live life to your highest ideals, finding the true inspiration and enlightenment that’s part of your soul.
Over time, the student often becomes the teacher, so don’t be surprised when others see out and find you. This card of wisdom is letting you know that you have so much to share – whether you realize it or not.

Conscious Spirit Oracle – Earth Angel
This card is a reminder to you that it is time to awaken the protective angelic side of yourself in order to safeguard the Earth and all life on it for future generations. Begin by ensuring that your actions and words are supportive of a sustainable future for this beautiful planet. Through active participation in living a harmonious life with all of Nature you can show others the way forward. Be unselfish and compassionate in all your dealings with people, animals, and all of the natural world. Show compassion to friends, family and strangers through daily random acts of kindness. Remember though, that expecting something in return negates the sincerity behind your good deeds. Give unconditionally! By sharing and caring for all life on this planet you will help raise the energy, bringing the Earth closer to a point where fear can be replaced by love and future generations can have their own hopes and dreams for a better future.

April 12, 2016

Daily Reading - Decisions Decisions Decisions

Decisions need to be made today. There are many choices and scattered energies around you, which leaves you feeling a bit over whelmed and out of control. In reality YOU are in control and responsible for the decisions you make. Take time, focus, and weigh the different choices that are in front of you. Don’t be hasty to make a decision. Use crystals to help you balance the energies within yourself and around you. Placing crystals in your home, workspace, and where you meditate will help you slow down and see which choice is best for you or the situation at hand. Once you have achieved this balance, and able to make the decisions necessary to achieve the best results, you can then be at peace with yourself knowing you have made the right choices and took the responsibilities to create the best outcome!

Oracle of Vision – Tranquility – At Peace
We have experienced a difficult period, but the trial is over. Challenging times in their multitude of forms, worries over financial or health issues, troubled relationships or concern for others close to you have left us physically weakened or spiritually tested. Now, either by acceptance or conclusion, our troubles are past. Now, we need the comforting embrace of rest. It’s time to recuperate and regain our strength.
A woman draped in a purple cloth relines peacefully. A glowing divine light or spirit drives away the shadows of her troubles. She floats gently above a Zen-like garden of cherry blossoms.

The Psychic Tarot Oracle – Choose Wisely
This card comes forth when you have a vision or goal that you want to achieve, but too many choices, scattered energies, and unrealistic expectations prevent you from attaining what you desire. Opportunities are bountiful, but there’s a decision to be made at this time. This card reminds you that the options now around you may appear to have all the influence and power – but in reality, you’re in control and responsible for all the choices you make.
Take time to think, analyze, and carefully look at the different possibilities that are in front of you. Don’t be hasty just because you feel pressured; and don’t be influenced by people who have no idea, expertise, or education in the area of your choices. A focused, wise decision far outweighs one made emotionally or in desperation. 

Conscious Spirit Oracle – Crystal Ascension
 You are being asked to bring crystals and mineral into your personal environment. Your current environment contains too much artificial energy from material possessions, cell phones, computers, and microwaves, which causes imbalance in both your body’s energy field as well as the energy within and around your home and workspace. Crystals contain the earth’s natural energy fields as well as stored wisdom, which they have accumulated through the centuries of being on this planet. Intuitively select one or more crystals to carry with you or wear them at all times and others to place around your home and workplace. These will not only balance your energies but bring you into greater alignment with Mother Earth’s natural energy fields. If you feel an especially strong connection with this card, include crystals in your meditations. Books or courses will give you a basis for the understanding of crystals but your own heart-centered intuitive work with crystals will give you greater insight to their uses.