April 15, 2016

Daily Reading - Stay True to Yourself

We must follow our own path, not allowing family, friends or society to influence our direction. During the journey we may have to climb over negative hurdles. At times it may feel as though you are having to portray to be someone you are not to get through the negatives. Don’t lose yourself in this acting role. Once the hurdle is behind you be sure to continue as your true self.  Accepting the negatives teaches us to appreciate the positives more. This will allow to transform into a stronger, and wiser individual and help us to move forward in fulfilling our dreams and wishes. 

Oracle of Vision – Manipulation – Control – Role Playing – Wishful Thinking
Life is a cabaret, a theater, a performance. We are acting out our roles as villains and heroes. Like marionettes we are both manipulated and manipulating, writing and following the script. We share the stage with others for some acts and perform solo in others. In this parody, we can create artificial scenarios or planned outcomes. We can transform into something or someone that we are not. There may be a creative benefit in that we are encouraged to fulfill our dreams and wishes. The danger is in losing oneself in the role, and losing touch with the reality beyond the stage doors.

The Psychic Tarot Oracle – Disruption
A sudden, unusually unforeseen, disruption, or major change is happening or is about to take place. Even if it appears to be a negative experience, it can lead to enlightenment or a total shift in your lifestyle. In traditional tarot meanings, this card represents the “falling tower” that eventually crumbles due to its weak foundation. Whichever part of your life you focus on, this is an opportunity to rebuild with a solid, positive structure to make you or the situation stronger.
There are times when the most difficult situations arise in your life. If you choose to, they can act as a catalyst to heal other areas. They’re beneficial because they’re truly your greatest teachers. Learn from past mistakes, accept them, and integrate them into your life as stepping –stones
To be forewarned is to be forearmed. This Disruption Card is a reminder that negative thinking, limiting beliefs, ignoring problematic situations, and risky or careless lifestyles must be addressed so that positive changes can take place. Life has a habit of moving you forward whether you’re ready or not. Transformation of body, mind, and soul can happen if you view this dramatic time or change as an opportunity for growth. In the future, you may look back and be thankful for this opportunity.

Conscious Spirit Oracle – Your Own Path
You are a unique spirit and have special gifts to offer the world. But you must follow your own path. Do not allow family, friends, or society to choose it for you. Your path will have obstacles that may seem insurmountable. The way may seem unclear at times: or it may open brightly and allow you to see far in front of you. Never allow yourself to be deterred. Each part, whether difficult or easy, has specific lessons for you. At times it may require a leap of faith to take the next step. Move along your path with courage and strength, holding the light of your heart out to guide your way. If you stay true to your heart, your soul purpose, you will receive guidance and support from the universe and your path will become even more illuminated. By holding steadfast and true to your path you will help encourage those around you to follow their own unique paths too.

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