April 13, 2016

Daily Reading - Support One and Other

Today we focus on helping one and other. As we move forward in our journey today not only are we a student, learning from others, but we are also the teacher. Helping each other to grow and move forward brings the balance this planets needs to thrive. Remember when you are helping, do it out of kindness, don’t expect to be rewarded for good deeds done. Though there are times when we can be acknowledged and take credit for our genuine kindness, and when rewards do come, appreciate them.
Helping others in itself can be a reward, but don’t allow yourself to be taken advantage of.  Remember we are all students and teachers living on the same planet. Share your wisdom and strength with one another, and help keep a healthy balance for our Mother Earth!

 Oracle of Vision – Support – Bearing the Weight of Others
This card represents the offering of strength and assistance, and bearing a burden on behalf of others. Providing support can take many forms: moral, emotional, physical and financial. We can offer our shoulders to bear the weight or lend an ear to share grief.
Here, a jester offers his shoulders on which the girl can perform. He raises her up, allowing her to be the focus of the audience’s attention, his subdued posture deliberately taking second place. His identity hidden, he provides an anonymous contribution. In the background are there tarot Strength cards, which serves as props and reaffirm this card’s message.
 While the effort and gesture is a noble one, there are times where we should come out of the shadows and take credit for our contributions. You do not always have to settle for being second fiddle. Be careful not to allow others to take advantage of your generosity.

The Psychic Tarot Oracle – Wisdom
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This card illustrates that there’s a spiritual teacher who’s about to influence you or step into your life to impart his or her wisdom. Look around – is there someone in your life who has the acumen, education, knowledge, and ability to integrate spirituality and its laws into the constraints of the physical world? This could be a compassionate person who offers guidance and inspiration, and reminds you that you’re so much more than a physical being – you’re also a spiritual being with unlimited potential.
You may have also drawn this card to confirm that it’s time to reach out and find an organization or group of like-minded souls. Being part of a group where you can be yourself, share your thoughts, and get valuable feedback can infuse you and encourage you to be all that you can be. Kindred support helps you live life to your highest ideals, finding the true inspiration and enlightenment that’s part of your soul.
Over time, the student often becomes the teacher, so don’t be surprised when others see out and find you. This card of wisdom is letting you know that you have so much to share – whether you realize it or not.

Conscious Spirit Oracle – Earth Angel
This card is a reminder to you that it is time to awaken the protective angelic side of yourself in order to safeguard the Earth and all life on it for future generations. Begin by ensuring that your actions and words are supportive of a sustainable future for this beautiful planet. Through active participation in living a harmonious life with all of Nature you can show others the way forward. Be unselfish and compassionate in all your dealings with people, animals, and all of the natural world. Show compassion to friends, family and strangers through daily random acts of kindness. Remember though, that expecting something in return negates the sincerity behind your good deeds. Give unconditionally! By sharing and caring for all life on this planet you will help raise the energy, bringing the Earth closer to a point where fear can be replaced by love and future generations can have their own hopes and dreams for a better future.

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