December 20, 2015

Using Sea Salt to Cleanse Your Home

I found this article on the internet at and found it interesting and helpful. 


Using Sea Salt To Get The Bad Vibes Out Of Your Home!

sea salt
Sea salt is so beautiful it’s surreal.  It’s no wonder something so elementally powerful is harvested in areas that resemble paradise.
Sea salt is rejuvenating for your body, to breathe it in saunas can purify your whole respiratory system, to bathe in it brings you minerals and draws out toxins…. And there are more ways to use sea salt… particularly to let its magnetic greatness suck some of the stagnant and stale bad energy vibes from your home.
If you want to really purify your home & life, these sea salt tricks can create lots of fresh space.  
sea salt
You can try these three easy ways to purify space with salt…
1. use bowls of it as “magnets” to pull the bad juju from the air in your home. A small bowl of sea salt placed under your bed for a day is through to pull out the stagnation there.  Many bowls of salt  placed in the corners of your home are thought to do the same in a big energy vortex.  Now… I am not a fan of weird feng shui tips, but I always remember when I see a bowl of salt that I placed in a room that my intention is to collect the negativity and toss it out of my life.
Literally, that’s what you do.  The salt sits for a day and then out it goes to the lawn outside.  I don’t put it in the trash, I take it out and return it to the land where everything is made fresh again.
2. wash things with sea salt & water. A few tablespoons of sea salt in a bucket of water is how I do some “energy washing” of windowsills, my kitchen floor, the refrigerator and even the bathtub.   Anywhere that collects lots of energy constantly- like the front door- gets a rinse with sea salt & water to re-set things to fresh!
3. take a bath in sea salt. A cup or two of sea salt in a bathtub is a rejuvenating detox.  Soak for about 20 minutes and then watch the negative juju that’s been sticing to you flush itself down the drain while you sit in the tub.
Sea salt: Its a light and fun way to create more natural freshness and I just love the elemental purity of it all!

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