January 5, 2016

Daily Reading - Release and go with the Flow

Daily Reading - Release and go with the Flow

With Mercury going into retrograde tomorrow, today carry a Smokey Quartz. It will help you release the emotions blocking you from moving forward. There is no time to pause and reflect or strategize. Trust that the time for rest will soon be upon you. For now embrace your feelings, both positive and negative. Release the anger and resentment and allow yourself to go with the flow. Watch your emotions transform into feelings that free you. Soon the purpose of this will become clear to you and you’ll feel stronger to make the choice of continuing with the herd and be the leader, or find the leader you feel you may have lost sight of but, know is still there, or follow your own path and move in your own direction. 

Touched by a Horse – Go with the Flow

Energy and occurrences are all about you. You are being swept along by the forces of the situation. There is no time to stop, pause and reflect, or strategize. Trust that the time will soon be at hand for rest and reconsideration. For now, you are being counseled to go along at the pace and in the direction of a leader, maybe even a leader whom you have lost sight of ahead but know is there.  Put faith in the fact that you chose with purpose in the beginning and that all is flowing to the required destination at this time. Soon you will be able to make your own choices to continue in the herd or set your own direction. For now, allow yourself to go with the momentum. It has a purpose that will become clear to you soon.


Angel Gemstone Oracle – Smokey Quartz

Are your emotions blocked? Are emotions preventing you from moving forward? Embrace your feelings, both positive and negative. Release anger and resentment. Watch your emotions transform into feelings that free you to live and love fully.

Rune- Tiwaz (reversed)

Weak powers of resistance, injustice, misuse of trust, passive sacrifice, and disloyalty.


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