January 6, 2016

Daily Reading - Slow your pace

Slow your pace

With Mercury moving into retrograde today, now is the time to slow your pace, pause and collect your thoughts. Have patience, spend time alone and focus more on yourself. Though you are more independent, and no longer naïve, you are still innocent about the situation at hand. You are not ready to move fully into it at this time. The situation will wait for you. Timing is important and Divine timing will unfold. If you feel you want to talk about the situation protect yourself with Amazonite it will help you be honest with yourself and others. Speak up with grace and love. Loving words have the power to heal the situation. 

Touched by a Horse – In Between

You are no longer a naïve, yet you are still innocent about the situation at hand. You have stepped into this situation and have become more independent, yet you are not ready to move more fully into it at this time. You are truly in between. You have permission to pause, collect all thoughts and experiences, and slow the pace of your maturing at this time. The situation will wait for your part to be played. Divine timing will unfold. No decision must be made right now; no action must be taken. You need not to step further forward nor turn back. Breathe – integrate – pause – reflect – and rest before continuing on your path.

Angel Gemstone Oracle – Amazonite

Are you holding back something you need to say? The truth about a certain matter needs to be spoken. Honesty is important at this time. Have the courage to speak up with grace. Loving words have the power to heal or improve ta situation.

Rune – Ingwaz (upright)

Patience, inner growth, self-awareness, fruitfulness, solitude, quiet, protection. 

Today’s Tidbit

Every habit starts with a psychological pattern called a “habit loop.” This three part process begins with a trigger, is followed by a routine, and ends with behavior. Understanding cue, routine and reward, simply change the routine to something healthy and positive.
                                                           - 365 Tarot Spreads by Sasha Graham

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