January 20, 2016

Daily Reading - The Teacher Becomes the Student

Things may seem hazy and unclear at this time. You may be feeling uncertain in which direction you should be choosing. Now is the time to become the student. Go within yourself and humble yourself to learn the lessons needed to guide you at this time. Open your student mind and become absorbent to all you are about to learn. There is a lot of learning occurring on many different levels. Allowing yourself to become the student empowers someone else to experience being the teacher. Keeping your heart and spirit pure for all you are about to be shown to you is important right now. Let Clear Quartz help you focus on this and gain the clarity you seek. Harmony and balance along with many other rewards will be received for this task today. 
The teacher is now the student.
 Enjoy the lessons!
Touched by a Horse – Becoming a Student
You are wise about many things and yet you are being called upon to move into the position of the student at this time. Allow that receptive energy to open you up. Become teachable, coachable, and absorbent of all you are about to learn. By becoming humble and remaining open to learning, you will receive much. This is not the time to add what you know to the mix or to offer your wisdom. Your energy is now being called upon to absorb and receive. Open your mind to the student mind. There, learning is occurring on multiple levels. Multiple rewards will be received for this single task. Your willingness to play student also empowers someone else to experience being the wise one. 
Purity of heart and spirit for all that is about to be shown to you is important at this time.
 Angel Gemstone Oracle – Clear Quartz 
Are you trying to gain clarity? Do things seem hazy and dark right now? Is your path unclear on uncertain? 
Go within to see the positive in all circumstances.
 Focus on the matter at hand. 
Maintain loving thoughts surrounding your current situation.
                                                                            Rune – Mannaz (upright)
Insight into higher relationships, inner harmonies, tolerance, togetherness, balance, marriage of heaven and earth.

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