February 18, 2016

Daily Reading - Communication With Celebration and Joy

Today is a day of making announcements and celebrations. Things are changing for you today and you become more aware and tuned into the energies around you. Having Daffodil around you helps with talking with and listening to others. When making your announcements be sure to do so with confidence and in a loving and positive manner. People will be more open to listening to what you have to say.   Take a break and relax today, have more fun, and celebrate you!
Angel Tarot Cards – Three of Waters
It’s time for celebration!  Weddings, announcements of pregnancy or birth, and reunions are likely. Graduations or promotions are on the horizon.
You need to have more fun! You’re working too hard and must learn to relax. Throw a party or take a vacation.

 Angel Therapy Oracle – Law of Attraction
Relationships and activities that you once enjoyed are now changing as you become more sensitive and aware of energies.

 Flower Therapy Oracle – Daffodil
Daffodil is the chief flower of communication and is very connected to Archangel Gabriel. It supports you in completing assignments with gentle ease. Its energy helps with all forms of communication, whether spoken or written, and reminds you to phrase everything in a loving, positive way. When you give speeches, Daffodil brings confidence and helps you open up your audience so they’re willing to receive your messages. Daffodil can also help children and adults who have difficulties with speech.

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