February 19, 2016

Daily Reading - Full Steam Ahead

Today is about focusing. As you move ahead with full force today, be sure to ask your angels to help guide you. Embrace advice from those who have strong creative ideas for the best outcome.
Have Snapdragon close by to help keep yourself as well as the situation in balance. You’re in a position today to motivate others to follow your lead, let Snapdragon help release any lower emotions or energies you may feel as you communicate with others.

 Angel Tarot Cards – Knight of Fire
Focus, focus, focus … and full steam ahead! Devote your energy and time to the task at hand. You’re in a position of leadership and you inspire others with your enthusiasm. You may also receive advice from someone who excels at creative solutions.

Angel Therapy Oracle – Have You Asked Your Angels for Help with This?
Your angels want to help you with the s situation; however, they require your permission before they can intervene in your freewill choices.

Flower Therapy Oracle – Snapdragon
Snapdragon helps you clear negativity and bring balance and love into your center. When you communicate, you’ll no longer feel lower energies.
When you have Snapdragon blossoms on hand, you can use it to release lower emotions in this way: Write your concerns on a tiny piece of paper. A single word or a couple of short sentences will suffice. Fold the paper as many times as you can. Gently squeeze the sides of the flower as it opens up (you’ll notice it looks similar to a dragon’s mouth!), and place the paper inside. You’ll instantly feel a release. Now take the Snapdragon to a quiet spot in the garden or a park, and ceremoniously toss the flower on the ground. With it, let the tension go!


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