March 10, 2016

Daily Reading - Embrace the Process

Today is the day of feeling ambitious. It’s nice to see the big picture of seeing yourself achieving goals. But today as you are gathering all that you need to bring your goals to fruition, remember to embrace and enjoy the process. Use the energy around you and nurture each step along the way. Unleash your potentials and share your talents, gifts and abilities with others and show them how it’s done. In turn, they can offer you love and support along your journey. You can see the light at the end of your tunnel, and today is the day you excel in reaching that light!

The Winged Enchantment Oracle – Rooster
I am Rooster, the rising sun and the break of day. I am vitality. I am sexuality. I am the eternal matrix of fertility. I am the time to act and the need to use force in creation. I am fire and momentum. While the feminine nurtures all things created, I am the force that shaped the created. I will guide it. I will give it life. I will mold its most useful form into place. Now is not the time to tend to work out things, but to light the fire of new life. While you can acknowledge those times of stillness and acceptance, I assure you this is not that time. I am creator god, wielding the power of seed and continuity. I am the domain of reproductive potency. Unleash potential and start making things happen. I will give you the dawn you seek.

Medicine Cards – Horse
In understanding the power of the Horse, you may see how to strive for a balanced medicine shield. True power is wisdom found in remembering your total journey. Wisdom comes from remembering pathways you have walked in another person’s moccasins. Compassion, caring, teaching, loving, and sharing your gifts, talents, and abilities are the gateways to power.

Spirit of the Wheel Oracle – Budding Trees Moon (March 21 to April 19)
Those born under Budding Trees Moon have an incredible potential to excel in their chosen field. Unfortunately, unrealistic expectations leave them feeling never quite good enough. To others, however, they are masters at their field, full of energy and ambition. This card is a reminder to set realistic goals. It is also a time of preparation. Like the squirrel preparing for winter, begin gathering what you need to make your goal a reality. Call upon the drive and ambition of the Budding Trees Moon to assist you. Every great accomplishment is fueled by love and support, so allow others to be part of your dreams. Channel the energy around you.
Enjoy the whole process of attaining your goal. Too often we focus on the outcome instead of appreciating the actual process.

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