March 11, 2016

Daily Reading - Appreciate Lessons

This is the time to observe all the new things or people you encounter along your journey. Watch and learn, then take those lessons and create your own versions of what you see and hear. Take your time in this process as decision making and the respect of those who have taught you is very important.  Be sure to give recognition to all those who have influenced you and to yourself for the completion of this process.  The outcome is not only a reward for self but also for those who have taught, supported and gave love to you so that you could reach the finish line.  Share the glory and pay it forward!

The Winged Enchantment Oracle – Mockingbird
I am Mockingbird, master of integration, I am imitation. I am the ability to take what I hear and make it something of my own. I am observation and implementation. You may need to incorporate more into your sphere of influence. You may be required to listen for new signals around you. I am the necessity of learning from experience. I am the power of applying everything I retain. Listen to new people. Hear new songs. Speak new languages. I am voice without fear. I am the ability to discern my own purpose from that of others. Imitate only to learn and then create your own vision.

Medicine Cards – Moose
If you have chosen the Moose card, you have reason to feel good about something you have accomplished on your journey. This may be a habit you have broken, a completion of some sort, and insight on a goal, or a new sense of self that you have fought hard to earn. It is a time of feeling harmonious pride, and of recognizing those who aided you in the process.
One good exercise in Moose medicine is to write down things that you can love about yourself and your progress in life. Then apply these same things to friends, family, coworkers, and life.  Don’t forget to share the findings with others. They need the encouragement as much as you do.

Spirit of the Wheel – Stone of the Ancestors
Listen carefully to the sacred messages around you. When the Spirit of the Ancestors calls to you, there is much at stake. The Stone of the Ancestors card teaches you that every decision you make and every action you take, either indirectly or directly, affects another. It is like a pebble thrown in water, forming ripples and spreading outwards.
Think long and hard about choices you are contemplating and consider the consequences for your future. At times we have to make sacrifices to fulfill our destiny. The ancestors help us distinguish what is worth holding on to and what we should be letting go of. If you have any doubts, call upon their ancient wisdom to help you make the best choice. When your decisions carry a purpose beyond just the self, you can be assured the ancestors will be pleased. That does not mean giving up what you want, but it does require thinking about the ripple effect before you toss the pebble.
Self-learning is truly a life-long process but much heartache and pain can be avoided if we think about the long-term effects and make our choices by listening to our higher self as well as the guidance of the ancestors.

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