March 28, 2016

Daily Reading - Let Go and Enjoy the Process

Today we need to take a step back. If you are at the beginning stages of a relationship or project, let go of the worries and expectations of the direction it’s moving in. Don’t weigh yourself down with the material aspects, this will only cause you to get in your own way. Step aside and just enjoy the flow of the process, but don’t lose sight of the big picture. It’s time to connect with your feminine side and nurture your inner self, trust your instincts and psychic abilities and watch things unfold before you as you see your goals grow and come to fruition. 

The Winged Enchantment Oracle – Pelican
I am Pelican, the bridge of the head and heart. I am the careful observation. I am planning with room for negotiation. I am the skills you need to reach the goal at hand. I am the unfettered determination. I am the use of team dynamics. Your outlook is too heavy. Your viewpoint too restricted.  What you require is a greater adaptability. I am the release of expectation. I am the effortless flow of one thing to another. I am your need to let things unfold and take the best catch. You may have stepped in your own way. You may well be tripping over your own feet. Stay focused, but do not lose sight of the bigger picture. You will always find what you need.

Medicine Cards – Otter
If you have drawn this symbol, Otter may be telling you to become the playful child and to simply allow things to unfold in your life. It may be time to stop your addiction to worrying. Otter also teaches the importance of not hanging onto material things that would bind you or become a burden. In looking at how you can learn from Otter’s habits, you might look at the joyousness of the receptive side of your nature. Have you given yourself a gift lately? Have you received any messages in your meditations? Become Otter and move gently into the river of life. Flow with the waters of the Universe…. this is the way of balanced female-receptive energy. Honor it! In doing so, you will discover the power of woman.

Spirit of the Wheel Oracle – Grandmother Moon
Trusts your instincts when it comes to matters of the heart. Just as Grandmother Moon moves through different stages to complete her cycle, you, too, can learn to follow the natural rhythms of your own body.
Take a look at your life. Are you at the seed stage of a relationship or project? If so, call upon the energies of Grandmother Moon to help you see it through to completion. Now is the opportune time for you to explore your body’s own natural rhythm.
If you are working in a creative field, discover your peak productive moments by becoming one with the creative power within you. Your psychic abilities are strengthening now so pay close attention to the messages around you. Grandmother Moon offers the gift of self-reflection. Take time now to delve into your inner self so you can learn to make the most of your natural creative rhythms.

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