March 24, 2016

Daily Reading - Your Time to Shine

Pay attention to your dreams as they are your inspiration to manifest your goals. You have kept your ideas and goals buried long enough.  Now is the time to raise them to the surface and bring them to fruition. With a clear mind, peace and joy within, like the butterfly this is your time to emerge from the cocoon, spread your wings and soar.  Ask Mother Earth to help you in the process, and stay grounded.  Be proud of yourself for having the courage to take flight and create the outcome that you have dreamed of.

The Winged Enchantment Oracle – Loon
I am Loon, the keeper of dreams and the master of wishes. I am the place where poet wander. I am the world the great visionaries traverse. I am the lonely woods that beckon the mystic. I am where the madmen get lost and where the medicine men dream. To enter my waters you have gone searching for a new reality. Your dreams have inspired you. Your fantasies have lured you in. Though the flow of wishes and hopes intoxicate and stimulate, sometimes they hold you hostage. I will let you envision new worlds, but you cannot linger long. From here you recognize your own part in your life story. I am the enticement of shadows. Step inside my deep lakes and pull from it the endings you dream of.

Medicine Cards – Turtle
Turtle buries its thoughts, like its eggs, in the sand and allows the sun to hatch the little ones. This teaches you to develop your ideas before bringing them out in the light. Look at the old fable of the tortoise and the hare, and decide for yourself whether or not you would like to align with Turtle. Bigger, stronger, and faster are not always the best ways to get to a goal. When you arrive, you may be asked where you’ve been and you may not be able to remember. In that case arriving prematurely can make you feel very immature.
If you draw the Turtle card, it augurs a time of connecting with the power of Earth and Mother-Goddess within.  This is a reminder of the ally you have in Mother Earth. It does not matter what situation you have created: ask her for assistance, and abundance will follow.

Spirit of the Wheel Oracle – Butterfly Clan
The Butterfly Clan card represents an awakening or breaking free of some restrictions within your life. You have recently gone through a difficult period but now you emerge from the cocoon leave the darkness behind you. On a soul level you have chosen to follow beauty, just as the butterfly is drawn to the flower. What an incredible transformation you have made. Be proud of yourself for having the courage to take flight. Your senses and aesthetics are heightened as you fly toward the light, Beauty will be found in places you never imagined as the gentle patterns of life unfold before you.
The Butterfly Clan draws you away from confusion and uncertainly and leads you toward mental clarity. With clear insight and peace of mind you can now take flight with exalted joy. To recognize beauty around us we must first recognize the beauty that lies within.  This awakening is butterfly’s gift to you.

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