March 17, 2016

Daily Reading – Let Your Beautiful True Self Shine Today

Today it’s time to show the world your true self and what a strong person you really are.  Start by clearing out all that you have been “gathering” that no longer serves any purpose for you. This includes negative thoughts, worries, pressures, or stress. Not only is it time to cleanse yourself but also your environment. Clear your closets and drawers of items which you no longer have a use for and pass them along to others who may need them. This could be a test from Spirit to show you that you are strong enough to let go of your “gatherings” and take a step forward in sharing your strength, compassion and helpfulness to those in need. Bring out your finest self by accepting your own body, and appreciate who you are and what you have to offer others. Spread your beautiful feathers like the peacock, and show the world your uniqueness.  Our outer bodies reflect our souls, so be proud of who you are, but stay grounded in a healthy love for self, and not let ego take over.
Be the positive influence for others to follow your lead!

The Winged Enchantment Oracle – Peacock
I am Peacock, the glory of multifaceted expression. I am everything that shimmers. I am all that radiates.  I am divinity manifest in physical form. I am the power of flash and the influence of physical beauty. I am the reflection of inner grace on the outside. I am the mirror of everything magnificent. You need to accept and own your body, for it is a mirror of the soul. To be aware of spirit is essential but not to the exclusion of physicality.  We take our forms for a reason – to express our uniqueness in the world. Vanity is no sin, but a deep appreciation of our creation when grounded in healthy love of self. Break out the colors. Fluff the feathers. Don your finest threads. I have come to teach you how to flaunt with grace, emanating a true beauty from every facet of being.

Medicine Cards – Squirrel
If Squirrel has scurried into your cards today, it may be that you are being told to honor your future by readying yourself for change. The message could be to lighten your load if you have gathered too many “things” that do not serve you. These “things” can include thoughts, worries, pressures, stresses, or gadgets that have been broken for years.  In understanding the balance involved in gathering, you need to look at the idea of circulating the stock of what you have gathered. Call the nearest thrift store and give the gadgets to someone who can benefit from them. If something no longer “grows corn” for you, then it is time to let it go.
Squirrel has another lesson which can aid you if you observe what is obvious, and which can prepare you for anything. It has to do with the safe place in which to put your gatherings. This safe place is an untroubled heart and mind, and that which is gathered to put in this place is wisdom and caring. The energies gathered will set your mind and heart free, so that you will know that all will be taken care of in its own time. Apply this to your fears about the future and they will vanish.

Spirit of the Wheel –Strength
A situation has presented itself that requires you to step forward and share your strengths with others. This positions may frighten you but it is time for your strengths to be used for the higher good.
You are a natural mediator and very good at encouraging others to do well. Using your strength requires compassion toward others and a non-judgmental attitude. Be patient with what is unfolding in your own life. Strength requires perseverance, courage, and productivity blended with a faith in yourself, and in Great Spirit’s divine plan. Accept the responsibilities coming your way by drawing upon your inner reserve of strength. The strength card is never given lightly, and often comes after you have just completed a test from Spirit. You have proven your worth on some level, or Spirit would not be calling upon you now.

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