April 11, 2016

Daily Reading - Acknowledge - Nurture - Release

The time has come to release the blockages of sadness and burdens of a loss. Allow yourself or others going through the ordeal of a loss, to heal by knowing that going through this pain, whether it’s the loss someone or something, brings profound wisdom and knowledge to the soul and allows growth. Meditate and connect with Spirit to raise your energy needed to release all the physical, emotional and mental blockages that you are holding on to. Turn your focus to the positives of the new beginnings and happiness that is right in front of you. Nurture but don’t coddle, allow for self-empowerment, and strength to rise up and stand strong. 

Oracle Vision – Nurturing – Taking Care of Others
This card may represent the nurturing nature and a mother embracing her child, a teacher guiding his student or a master training his apprentice.  Each balances the desire to protect and provide direction to those under his or her care, with the need to also allow room for personal growth.
 We can prepare them, inform them, advise them, but eventually there will come the moment when we will need to resist the impulse to reach out and instead must let them fall. When they rise again of their own accord, we can take comfort in knowing that we taught them well.

The Psychic Tarot Oracle – Emotional Loss
This card comes forth at a time when you may be experiencing or grieving the loss of someone or something you were emotionally attached to. Honor your feelings. Only by healing and loving yourself – by letting go of the past – can you can continue your journey.
The suffering associated with this loss delivers profound wisdom and knowledge for your soul. Your unique gifts, talents, an abilities (as well as your joy and sorrow) will not only make up who you really are, but better yet…. who you will become.
The painful experiences of life are equally as valuable as the joyous ones. Focus all your positive energy on the good in your life and what you’re grateful for. Use your healing energy in this way and try not to focus on what you’ve lost, for new beginnings and happiness are just around the corner.

Conscious Spirit Oracle – Release
To connect to Spirit and raise your energy you need to release all physical, emotional, and mental blockages that hold you back from reaching your full potential. People, objects emotions, and experiences come into your life in order for you to learn from them, but not all are meant to stay. Release these with love and gratitude and ask Archangels Michael and Raphael to cut and heal the cords attaching you to this baggage. This unwanted clutter holds stagnant energy which ties you to the past preventing you from fully experiencing the present and moving forward. Once you have released the clutter your life will open up to new opportunities and abundance on all levels.
This card is also asking you to release your addiction to material goods. By being caught up in the trap of consumerism, you may waste time and energy on accumulating unimportant objects in your life that add no true value while at the same time contributing to the depletion and destruction of your home – Mother Earth

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