April 7, 2016

Daily Reading - Connections and Discovery Brings Celebration

Living in harmony with the phases of the moon helps us to become stronger and wiser. Understanding our connection with the moons phases, and her connection with our body and minds, the oceans and the plants, helps us better understand ourselves and all life on this planet. As we embrace this part of our journey we begin to see things fall into place and discover more about ourselves and the relationships around us. Success and accomplishments come to fruition allowing us to celebrate our dedication, hard work, and in pursuing our passion and achieving the goals.
So today celebrate your connection with the moon and her phases, the joys of self-discovery and following your passions to achieve your goals!

Oracle of Vision – Connections – Putting the Pieces Together – Coming to Conclusions
A young woman sits on a bridge, a physical and metaphysical connecting point between here and there.  Her identity is initially concealed not only to us but also to herself. She is, in essence, finder her true self. She reaches out to gather pieces of the puzzle, and with each one finds clues and discovers more about herself.
Each of us attempts to make sense of our place as we search for connections and relationships with others.
Gradually, despite failures and experimentation along the way, and image starts to take form. Increasing clarity manifests itself from the initial confusion. The process is self-reinforcing and often becomes easier and accelerates as more pieces are added, each finding their corresponding place. Eventually a point is reached where everything comes into focus and starts to make sense.

The Psychic Tarot Oracle – Rejoice in Celebration
A time of merriment, celebration, birth, success, and victory is at hand. You’re doing what you love most and are pursuing your passion. When you follow your heart and intuition with zeal, there are no limits to what you can achieve. When the energy excitement and love is present, you can feel it moving within you. Somehow, love has a way of showing you that you’re connected to something much larger than yourself.
The number 3 symbolizes unity and a time to rejoice in gratitude and sharing. Whether it’s with family members, friends, or even co-workers. This is the moment of fruition for all your dedicated work – so pat yourself on the back, party and dance in celebration of your accomplishment!

Conscious Spirit Oracle – Moon Goddess
The Moon Goddess symbolizes the connection between the moon and Earth. She reminds us that we need to connect and live in harmony with the moon’s phases as they affect our bodies and our minds, the oceans, the plants and animals. By connecting to and living in harmony with theses cycles we can better understand ourselves and all life on this planet. Each cycle has its own benefits and strengths that you can use to gain knowledge and wisdom. Only by learning to live with these natural lunar cycles will your journey through life become smoother and more enjoyable. Take notice of how the varying phases of the moon affect your mood and your body and learn to plan your life according to them. Do not resist them. Understand they are phases you must go through. Once you accept these cycles you can use each  to your own benefit, learning when you will be at your peak performance or when it is best to rest or move into a more passive stage of your life.

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