April 5, 2016

Daily Reading - Self-Reflection

Today is about self-reflection. Take time nurturing and treating yourself the way you want others to. Remember, how you see yourself and treat yourself is reflected in your relationships and situations around you. Meditate on, and appreciate the transformations happening in your life and how much you have grown. Stay positive but don’t get lost in the clouds. Ground yourself, don’t let ego slip in, and remain grateful for your growth.  Keep a healthy balance of giving and receiving energies from, Mother Earth and those around you. 

Oracle of Visions – Inner Peace – An Instant in Time
We are lost in the moment, staring into a void, utterly engrossed and transfixed on some specific point or action in the distance. In this state we are oblivious to time and reality.
A young woman seated on a columned platform stares at a dragonfly settling on the lilies below. Its movements become the focal point of her concentration, transforming her into a calming meditative state in which all other distractions are removed. The numbers of the clock above float away, the recording of passing time temporarily on hold. She is at one with her universe. All worries, concerns and negativity fade. In this captured moment of escape, there is only stillness and peace.

The Psychic Tarot Oracle – Spiritual Union
This card deals with relationships involving an emotional bond. It could be between new lovers and kindred souls, family members, friends, business associates, or partners; it could even relate to a project or a specific situation. This would be the perfect time to realize that all relationships are really about you! Notice when you interact with different people in your life. Are they giving you energy or taking it away? Is there an even exchange? There should be and equal balance between giving and receiving energy.
Relationships are mirror images of your own life: They reflect how you feel and treat yourself, and how you react and respond to various situations and individuals around you.  Each and every union is an opportunity for soul growth.

Conscious Spirit Oracle – Earth Elemental
This card is asking you to recognize that abundance flows from Gaia, Mother Earth. She is also the foundation for the other three elements – Air, Fire, and Water – all life. Her vital life-giving energy flows into the water we drink and the plants we eat. It flows into every creature, every rock and crystal on this planet. Become a conscious consumer by eliminating toxins in your life. Do not use chemicals in your home or garden and avoid chemical-laden products that contaminate not only your body, but the earth as well. The Earth can only support healthy life if we keep her healthy. This card could also be an indication that you need to balance your body’s energies. Perhaps you live too much in your mind, up in the clouds. Balance this by grounding yourself with her nurturing energies. Crystals, rocks, and soil are associated with this element. Gnomes and dwarfs are symbolic of its energy and can help you develop your individuality, determination, and appreciation of all things.

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