March 14, 2016

Daily Reading - Channel Your Emotions to Success

Today when emotions feel overwhelming, take a step back and take a deep breath. Think before you act or speak.  Let the Spider medicine show you the big picture and see what you have already accomplished.  Put any rush of feelings and emotions to work on new projects or ideas, instead of allowing them to flow on to others. You have more life patterns to weave and many journeys ahead of you. Keeping feelings and emotions balanced helps you see more of the opportunities on your paths, and many more accomplishments to come!

The Winged Enchantment Oracle – Duck
I am Duck, the complexity of emotion.  I am the master of the undercurrents. I am the healing of the heart. I am the surge of inner motivations. You need to be aware of what drives you. What feelings are pushing you forward? Which ones are drowning your progress? I am a creature of navigational purpose. You have to learn when to dive deeper, and when to gently skim the surface. I am the equalizer of polarities. Let yourself balance the rush of subconscious flow with peace of equilibrium. Allow the experience of emotional catharsis, but do not forget to release the heavy entanglements. Feel your responses, but do not become overwhelmed. I am progress. I am growth. There is great healing in waters.

Medicine Cards – Spider
Spider brings messages of a different kind when she sees you becoming a bit too involved in the weaving of your life plans to notice opportunities at the outskirts of your web. If this is the case, Spider gets your attention so that you notice that something you have woven has borne fruit. Congratulations! Spider caught you just in time, before you missed the opportunity on the edge of your web or reality.
The most important message from Spider is that you are an infinite being who will continue to weave the patterns of your life and living throughout time. Do not fail to see the expansiveness of the eternal plan.

Spirit of the Wheel – Corn Planting Moon (May 21 – June 20)
Corn Planting Moon signals a time of great energy and enthusiasm. The fears that held you back in the past dissolve in the light of this auspicious moon. You can achieve great things by channeling this surge of creative energy, and balancing it with clear direction.
Those born this sign tend to express their powerful emotions. As result, others feel vulnerable and relationships may suffer. When your emotions feel overwhelming, remember to slow down, take a deep breath, and think through the consequences before you speak.
This moon teaches you that being honest with yourself and others in a gentle way fosters positive growth for everyone involved.
Allow yourself the freedom to explore many different paths. This is the perfect time for venturing into the new and untried. Through experimentation, you will discover the perfect project or idea to channel your spirited energy into.

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